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The Ellene "Brit" Christiansen Memorial
c/o Richard Doran
The Board
Tricia Lane-Forster
President, Art Teacher Ridge Ruxton School
Terri Seitz
Vice President, Consumer Advocate, Chair of County Commission on Disabilities
Richard Doran
Secretary, Advocate, Past Director of Recreation and Camping League for People with Disabilities
Chad Michael Casserly
Treasurer, Consumer Advocate, Past Director of Camping and Recreation at League, and Baltimore County Commission of Disabilities
Dan Kiplinger
(King Gimp) Artist , Consumer Advocate
Nancy Doran
Advocate and Licensed Occupational Therapist
Sandee Widomski
CCBC Art Instructor for Alternative and Special Education
Diane Mick
Advocate and Occupational Therapist at Baer School
All Board members serve as volunteers.
Board Commitment
It is our commitment to assure your contributions are utilized in a responsible manner for providing meaningful artistic support for young people with disabilities.
Board Members Message
it is our mission to carry on Brit’s legacy and passion for artistic achievement. She felt blessed to be given the opportunity to express her artistic talent and wish for every child with a disability the same opportunity.